Jackson Township 2025

The regular monthly meeting of the Jackson Township Bd of Supervisors will be held on the first

Monday of each month at the Stone Creek Valley Vol. Fire Company Building, 5470 McAlevy’s

Fort Rd, Petersburg, PA 16669, at 7:00 PM.

Barbara Groff , Secretary

Clean Up Days

Jackson Township’s 2024 Clean Up Days

Friday, June 7 10AM – 6PM

Saturday, June 8 9AM – 3PM

Tires will be collected at the following rates:

Auto – $4

Truck – $6

Tractor – $10

$1.00 extra with rim

Please DO NOT bring the following:

Hazardous Waste, Liquid Paint or Solvents, Gas or Propane Cylinders, Batteries, Used Motor Oil, Oil Filters, Lawn/Yard Waste, Household Garbage, Building Materials (cement blocks, wood, drywall, etc.) Insulation is accepted, but must be pre-bagged. NO Electronics.



Held at the Stone Creek Valley Volunteer Fire Company Building

5470 McAlevy’s Fort Road, Petersburg, PA 16669

Contact Info.

If you have any questions feel free to call us.

Supervisor :Kenneth Foster (814)380-0571

Supervisor: Nicholas Shaffer (814)569-3067

Chairman: Barbara Hawbaker (814)667-2036

Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Groff 814-386-2836

Permit Officer Brian 717-517-4213

Jackson Township Meetings

The first meeting of the New Year will be , January 2nd . At 7:00pm we will begin with our annual re-organizational meeting and then immediately move into the regular monthly meeting of the Supervisors. The Re-Organizational meeting of the Jackson Township Auditors will be held January 3rd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. All public meetings are held at the Stone Creek Valley Volunteer Fire Company building located at 5470 McAlevy’s Fort Road, Petersburg, PA 16669. We hope to see you there!

Jackson Township Meeting

2024 Township Public Meeting will be on January 2,2024 instead of on the 1st. because of  New Year’s Day . The meeting will be at the Stone Creek Valley VOL. Fire Company at 7:00 P.M Located at 5470 McAlevy’s Fort Rd, Petersburg, PA 16669.

Barbara Groff Secretary/Treasurer

Jackson Township

5470 McAlevys Fort Rd

Suite #1



In June 2021, Senate Bill 554, Act 65 amended the Pennsylvania Sunshine Law.

Specifically, Act 65 amends Section 709 of the Sunshine Act (relating to the giving of public notice) to require every political subdivision do all of the following:

  • Post the meeting agenda on the political subdivision’s website at least 24 hours prior to a meeting, which agenda must include a list of each matter that may be considered at the meeting;
  • Physically post the agenda at the meeting location, as well as at the principal office of the political subdivision;
  • Distribute copies of the agenda to all members of the public in attendance.

Beginning in October, Jackson Township will post the meeting agenda on this website, at the Stone Creek Valley Vol. Fire Co. building and on the office door located at 13233 Greenwood Rd, Huntingdon. Hard copies will be available the night of the meeting.