Jackson Township is found in the northern corner of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. We are neighbors to Centre and Mifflin County. Our Township is small with approximately 888 residents. Our community includes a local volunteer fire company, a general store/restaurant, two state parks – Whipple Dam and Greenwood Furnace – along with rolling hills of woodland surrounding active farmlands. It is a short 20 minute drive to either State College or Huntingdon and 15 minute drive to Belleville, also known as “Big Valley”.
We have 26 miles of Township roads, mostly gravel, along with 7 bridges of varying sizes. Our responsibilities include the maintenance of those 26 miles and 7 bridges along with providing land use permits for new structures and guidance for land development.
Township Board of Supervisors
Barbara Hawbaker, Chairman
Kenneth Foster, Roadmaster
Nicholas Shaffer, Assistant Roadmaster
Barbara Groff, Secretary/Treasurer
Office is located at 5470 McAlevy’s Fort Rd Suite#1 Petersburg, PA 16669 . Office hours are by appointment or by chance Monday-Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm.
Phone: 814-386-2836 Email: [email protected]